The voice of God, presence of God, and touch of God intersecting with the the dailiness of my life are moments which thrill my heart and confirm anew His deep abiding love and care for me as His child.
One of the defining times of Heaven touching earth in my life occurred at the moment of the Spirit’s invitation to my heart to surrender all my 10 year old sensibilities could comprehend to become forever His child, saved by His grace demonstrated by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for one such as me.
As the years have passed (decades now) I have experienced more frequent moments of heaven touching earth. Yes, I have sensed those times during gathered corporate worship, or when listening to a gifted teacher/speaker, or while praising God by listening to or singing music in adoration and worship of Him.
I have also experienced Heaven touching earth as I have placed value in cultivating disciplines of godly living. The times when I practice solitude, quiet meditation, prayer, study of scriptures and journalling...those are the sustaining, life giving moments of Heaven touching earth. I am completing my third year of traveling through the Bible by means of The Daily Audio Bible podcast and reading/journaling. Each year the journey is more blessed. Each year the promptings of His Spirit nudge me into deeper relationship with Him.
Heaven indeed touches earth in the glorious process of restoration and renewal that God seeks to be about in each of our lives. I am humbled and amazed that He reveals Himself to me through the disciplines and through the power of the body of Christ here on earth...His church...His bride.
One of the defining times of Heaven touching earth in my life occurred at the moment of the Spirit’s invitation to my heart to surrender all my 10 year old sensibilities could comprehend to become forever His child, saved by His grace demonstrated by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for one such as me.
As the years have passed (decades now) I have experienced more frequent moments of heaven touching earth. Yes, I have sensed those times during gathered corporate worship, or when listening to a gifted teacher/speaker, or while praising God by listening to or singing music in adoration and worship of Him.
I have also experienced Heaven touching earth as I have placed value in cultivating disciplines of godly living. The times when I practice solitude, quiet meditation, prayer, study of scriptures and journalling...those are the sustaining, life giving moments of Heaven touching earth. I am completing my third year of traveling through the Bible by means of The Daily Audio Bible podcast and reading/journaling. Each year the journey is more blessed. Each year the promptings of His Spirit nudge me into deeper relationship with Him.
Heaven indeed touches earth in the glorious process of restoration and renewal that God seeks to be about in each of our lives. I am humbled and amazed that He reveals Himself to me through the disciplines and through the power of the body of Christ here on earth...His church...His bride.