Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Breathless Beauty

Blessed be the name of the LORD
   from this time forth and forevermore!
From the rising of the sun to its setting,
   the name of the LORD is to be praised!
 The LORD is high above all nations,
   and his glory above the heavens! 
Psalm 113:2-4  ESV

There is no way to fully capture the beauty of some of the scenes that flash before our eyes.  Tonight was an example of one such instance.  The skies were a blaze with glorious shades of pink, violet, gold and crimson as the sunset marked the end of a spectacular day of unseasonably mild weather for January.  

Both the mild day and the breathtaking sunset were direct from the hand of God.  Worship and praise are the natural response of my heart when I truly stop and consider the handiwork of our creator...and His delight in lavishing His artistry for all to see on the vast canvas of the evening skies.

Beauty can take our breath away.  Beauty can bring tears of amazement and joy.  Beauty invites us deeper into the mystery of God - the author of Beauty.

So tonight, I still bask in the afterglow of God's very evident Love and Care to show a glimpse of His greatness to one such as me.

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