Saturday, September 09, 2006

Back Home...

We arrived home from our 2 weeks in Florida yesterday afternoon. It was hard to say 'good-bye' to our new doctors and new friends. Our experiences at both Dr. Hammesfahr's and Dr. Harris' offices were beyond all expectations. Not only has Steve begun new life changing treatments, but we have all learned so much about brain injury and how these new treatments provide hope for the many people who suffer from the after effects of brain injuries, strokes, autism, migranes and ADD.
We had to detour from the regular schedule of Steve's medications yesterday because of the restrictions on what can be carried on during air travel (no creams or liquids). However, once we arrived in Indianapolis, we were able to once again get on track. Steve did not have any side effects from the lack of medication...only improvements when he was able to begin back on them.
We will keep close watch of Steve and his medications, along with some supplements. We look forward to working with our local doctor as he will monitor Steve and communicate back with Dr. Hammesfahr.
"... Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. " Lamentations 3:21-23. We thank God for His faithfulness to us each and every day of this Journey of Hope. We have been and continue to be sustained daily by the ways He shows Himself compassionate and faithful through every twist and turn in the journey - in the joyful times and in the heartbreaking times as well.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Florida - Day 10

Wow, what a day! This morning we met both Dr. Hammesfahr and Dr. Harris at the office along with the editor of a local Tampa area magazine, IMAGO Magazine It was an incredible experience for us. Steve was talking when Dr. Hammesfahr suggested another dose of medication. Within minutes, Steve's speech was more fluent! Steve was thrilled to be able to express his thoughts without all the struggle it has been to speak.
It was also incredible to listen to the doctors each detail the how and why of treatment for brain injury, stroke, and migrane headaches. We felt very privileged to be part of the lofty, yet informative discussion...but our ultimate hope and prayer is that others will be helped that have previously thought there was no further hope available.
Steve then had 2 apts. today. The first was a time of discussing the medications, the scheduling and getting a new prescription. Steve's second appt. was a chiropractic adjustment. It was amazing the improvement he has had in a week's time.
We rejoice and are so thankful to the Lord for His work in Steve and our lives!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Florida - Day 9

It was another day of checking medications, comparing notes, and introducing a new medication for Steve. Dr. Hammesfahr has told us to watch for the subtle changes as well as obvious clues to determine not only the effectiveness of the medication, but to gauge what the next step will be. Tonight we were excited by the fact that Steve's right hand continues to improve in dexterity. Since the accident, Steve has had to re-learn to do everything in his daily life with his left hand. The right hand (the entire right side) was more affected by the injury with spastisity. Tonight he was able to move his fingers and flex his hand in a significantly improved way.
The doctor told us to watch specifically when the medication either seemed to lose strength or seemed the most helpful. Clearly, tonight was one of those moments we were able to observe the differences. Step by step, this is all helpful in planning the next step for Steve.
Tomorrow will be a very busy day with 2 doctor apts. We are encouraged and hopeful trusting that God will remain, as always faithful in the midst of all things. But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. Psalm 71:14

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-25

Thanks to the wonder of the internet we were able to join with our home congregation (Gibson City Bible) during the morning worship service. What an encouragement it was to listen in to the worship in music,testimony time, special music and the challenging sermon.
Steve continues to tolerate the medication well. We are greatly encouraged by the changes that Steve has experienced since the beginning of his treatment, and we look ahead with much hope for the journey we continue on this week.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Florida - Day 5

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge Psalm 19: 1-2
Tonight the evening skies were splashed with glorious color as the sun set and the moon appeared above our heads. Florida has some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world!
It was a fitting end to a day in which hope was evident in many ways. Steve has tolerated the new medicine well. The subtle yet encouraging changes continue. At one point Steve remarked that it was easier for him to process more complex planning when and how to market next year's crop. It is those subtle yet significant changes that fill all 3 of us with hope.
Steve's next appointment will be Tuesday morning. We look forward to a restful weekend, and then another week of checking dosing in preparation for our return home.