Sunday, October 31, 2010

Heaven Touching Earth

The voice of God, presence of God, and touch of God intersecting with the the dailiness of my life are moments which thrill my heart and confirm anew His deep abiding love and care for me as His child.

One of the defining times of Heaven touching earth in my life occurred at the moment of the Spirit’s invitation to my heart to surrender all my 10 year old sensibilities could comprehend to become forever His child, saved by His grace demonstrated by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for one such as me.

As the years have passed (decades now) I have experienced more frequent moments of heaven touching earth. Yes, I have sensed those times during gathered corporate worship, or when listening to a gifted teacher/speaker, or while praising God by listening to or singing music in adoration and worship of Him.

I have also experienced Heaven touching earth as I have placed value in cultivating disciplines of godly living. The times when I practice solitude, quiet meditation, prayer, study of scriptures and journalling...those are the sustaining, life giving moments of Heaven touching earth. I am completing my third year of traveling through the Bible by means of The Daily Audio Bible podcast and reading/journaling. Each year the journey is more blessed. Each year the promptings of His Spirit nudge me into deeper relationship with Him.

Heaven indeed touches earth in the glorious process of restoration and renewal that God seeks to be about in each of our lives. I am humbled and amazed that He reveals Himself to me through the disciplines and through the power of the body of Christ here on earth...His church...His bride.

Monday, August 02, 2010


“Overwhelmed is not inevitable. Exhaustion is not spiritual, or even noble. God not merely created Sabbath, He then commanded us to enter in.”
John Eldredge

Next week will be our official family vacation at Maranatha. In the past it has been a time of refreshment and restoration of body and spirit. We all enjoy the times spent with friends of week 7, the challenging speakers and the moving worship led by gifted musicians. We also enjoy our rest! We take naps, sleep in, and doze in the afternoon sun with the sound of the waves of Lake Michigan breaking on the pristine white sand beach.

We jump waves and laugh in delight! We indulge in rich creamy hand dipped ice cream at the end of the evenings at the sweet shop, and we discuss all things political, social and foundational poolside. We climb all the way to the Prayer Tower and meditate while basking in the grand view of the lake from the highest perch on the dune.

I fully intend to ‘enter into’ Sabbath next week at Maranatha! And I am learning to be more intentional about celebrating Sabbath in the midst of the remaining 51 weeks of the year. That is an art...and one worth investing in!

“...God’s invitation to enter into life, and joy, and wonder. A time for Sabbath...that brings deep restoration.”
John Eldredge

Be still and know that I am God...
Psalm 46:10

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Golfing in July

Monday, July 26 was the date of the 8th Annual Greg Arends Memorial FCA Golf Outing. Although July has been a warm and humid month, the weather was wonderful for a late July afternoon. Over 70 golfers were able to participate in the golf scramble, and by all accounts...a good time was had by all.

Earlier this summer I wrote an email that captures my feelings and vision about this annual event.

"... since 2003 (The first golf outing was held just months after Greg's death) we have been able to raise enough funds to have sent 50 students to FCA camps these past 7 years. Greg went to FCA Leadership Camp the summer of 2001 and was really impacted by that week at camp. Our desire is to invest in the lives of high school students by providing a means to equip student leaders (at FCA Camps) to return to school and continue the ministry of FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) within the public school.

As you can is not an easy day for many reasons, and when it seems to be just too difficult or painful to keep on with the effort, I only need listen to the young people who share at the banquet at the end of the day about their camping experiences. It is a true blessing to get a glimpse at the larger purpose of Greg's ongoing impact in the lives of these young people. We continue to lean into the promise of Romans 8:28...knowing that while our perspective is limited and our vision dim...God sees and knows and continues to work out His perfect will."

Indeed, the very best part of the day was hearing the stories from 2 students about their experiences at camp earlier this month. One student was challenged about the concept of teamwork and how that applied not only in sports but in life. The other student shared that it was that week of camp that she was invited to consider what a relationship with Jesus was all about - and the fruit that her decision to follow Him has already yielded in her young life.

It was an wonderful day, with some amazing golf shots, fun on the course, and celebration of lives impacted by the ministry of FCA.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Long Walk - Prelude 2010

Wednesday was a full day of extended hours at work...impossible time of year. However, I was determined to pause, take a walk, and quietly listen and see God in the early evening hours walking in the fields near our farm.

It was a humble journey, nothing specular, yet, God seemed to open my eyes to beauty that surrounds me and mostly is unacknowledged in my normal routine. The sky was amazing...clouds with sunbeams bursting through. Wildflowers randomly springing from the ditch grasses, corn tall and stately, and the crocked gravel path leading to our cattle pasture.

My c
amera captured elements of the display...but my heart was the real depository of the beauty. As I observed one thing after another several truths of scripture were etched in my mind. Luke 12:22-34 continues to resound with me.

"Walk into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They don't fuss with their appearance—but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them. If God gives such attention to the wildflowers, most of them never even seen, don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? "
Luke 12:25-28 The Message

Trusting Him with all things, all situations is what honors Him most...He nudged me, reminded me and assured me that He is in all the details, even providing a time of beauty and reflection at the end of a too busy day.

I treasure my times with Him when I deliberately listen to Him in the quiet whisper of the breezes of East Central Illinois.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Sunday, January 24, 2010 I was baptized by immersion during the morning Worship service at the Gibson City Bible Church. The journey to get to that place and time has occurred over many years.

It was not a decision I came to lightly, and in fact was really something I deliberately put significant time in prayer, scripture and study of the 'why's' of baptism, the 'arguments' for several views of baptism, and of course conversations with several of my mentors.

Ultimately, it became an issue of obeying a sure and relentless nudging of the Spirit to give testimony to my relationship in Christ by not only spoken word but by action (immersion signifying my identity with Jesus in death [to sin], burial, and resurrection to new life in Him).

I can testify that since that simple act...the peace that I experienced the minute I entered the waters to this moment now is amazing and confirming in a powerful way. I will never, ever forget standing before my church family and clearly declaring my love for and identity with Jesus my Savior and Lord.

"I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me! The life I live in the body I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave his life for me."

Galatians 2:20