Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Florida - Day 2

We are at the end of a significant day here in Clearwater. Steve did not have an actual doctor apt. but rather a MRI and PET/CT scan.
The folks at the radiology place were so wonderful and helpful. Steve got along great with both tests. One neat thing that happened was the MRI tech invited me into her observation room to ask me background details about Steve and the treatments and surgeries he has previously had. I was amazed to see on screen the images of Steve's brain. I kept thinking about Psalm 139:13-15: "I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well."
I completed reading the book, "Peeling the Onion: Reversing the Ravages of Stroke" by Robin Robinson. Ms. Robinson details her experience in traveling to Dr. Hammesfahr's Institute with her father who had suffered from a stroke and the effects that continued to linger after his 'recovery'. Although the book was over 200 pages long, I could not put it down. It not only detailed her father's marked improvements under Dr. Hammesfahr's care, but also talked about the method itself.
Tonight after the tests, we enjoyed a local favorite sea food restaurant...see above photo. It was a real treat and actually located right on Clearwater beach. The sky was cloudy as we ate, but we were able to enjoy a beautiful sunset before the storm hits. Randy told me that approaching stormy weather can make for the most beautiful sunsets. He should know, as year round he is constantly observing the sky as any prudent farmer normally does. The Lord truly blessed us with a day of rest as well as a time of important tests to determine the 'next thing'. Our next apt. is tomorrow at 8:50 a.m. We do go to bed with a prayer on our hearts for a weakening storm through the night.

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