Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Florida - Day Three
Unbelievable would be the first word that comes to my mind to describe the events of this morning's doctor appointment! Dr. Hammesfahr showed us the results of yesterday's scans as the first order of business. What would look like interesting pictures of a brain to us suddenly became "a road map to treatment" (Dr. Hammesfahr's words). He patiently described the scans' results which confirmed what we knew (traumatic brain injury) but which also detailed the specific areas affected and the severity of injury.

The next step was beginning treatment for Steve. Minutes after the first dose of medication we began to see subtle, yet significant changes in Steve. Some of those were: a more symmetrical smile, better balance, ease of walking, more fluent speech. Steve said he felt "more together". The changes fade after the medicine fades in his system...thus the need for monitoring closely timing and changes. Because of this, we will be staying on another week so more medications can be added and monitored before we leave for home.

We remained at the office all morning before being released with dosing instructions and our appointment time for tomorrow. Steve, of course, was very hungry after the morning and wanted to stop at Arby's for lunch. While we ate together Randy & I noticed that Steve was eating without the difficulty of choking and coughing frequently. So, we rejoiced over yet another improvement in Steve's condition.

Rejoice in the LORD always; again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4 Today is indeed a day of much rejoicing for us. We ultimately know that it is by God's sovereign hand that we are here today. We stand amazed at the possibility of more Hope that is before us on this journey.

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